
Japan on Foot by Mary King | Buy Now

Japan on FootJapan on Foot chronicles the exploits of two “roving reporters” (one English, one Japanese) who set off to capture the spirit of Japan by walking the length and breadth of the country, a 15-month odyssey of 7,500 kilometres.

Mary recounts adventures and meetings with some of the thousands of people they met along the way, including a professor who plans to resurrect the woolly mammoth, a farmer who maintains Moses was buried on his land, a Buddhist scholar who cares for what is reputed to be the mummy of a mermaid, and a marine geologist who believes that an Okinawan underwater structure is the ruins of a lost civilization.

Japan on Foot explores Japan’s off-the-beaten tracks, as well as some of its lesser-known myths, legends, history and culture. The two journalists also shed light on communities that live on the fringes of Japanese society, including the Buraku people and descendants of the Hidden Christians. A selection of photographs is included in the book.

The foreword is by Donald Richie, an American-born author of more than 40 books who lived in Japan from 1947 to 2013.

Related links

SWET Kansai: A Digital “Roving Reporter” Walk Through Japan

SWET Tokyo: Walking and writing Japan

Book Information

Japan on Foot, Mary King
Online: $28.00 NZ
Mailing: NZ $4/Australia $8, Rest of World $18.00
ISBN: 978-0-473-19913-5
Japan; Travel; Achievement
Ideal for anyone interested in walking and gaining a different view of Japan, its history, people and culture.
Published Dec. 2011
Paperback, perfect binding.
Black/white photographs (38); Foreword by Donald Richie, Preface by Author
Size: 21 cms by 15 cms
Weight: 400 gms
Also available as ebook (epub or mobi)